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    Longevity hedging demystified: 12 key facts

    Longevity hedging demystified: 12 key facts

    05 June 2023 Solutions
    As defined benefit pension schemes seek to maximise the certainty of achieving their endgame objectives, they often consider whether and how to hedge their longevity risk. We present 12 key facts to help demystify longevity hedging for trustees.
    15845-1_100x100px.jpg UK life expectancy at 65 has fallen substantially over recent years1

    UK life expectancy at 65 has fallen substantially over recent years

    15845-2_100x100px.jpg Life expectancy may not continue to fall: multiple factors could lead to increased life expectancy

    Life expectancy may not continue to fall: multiple factors could lead to increased life expectancy

    15845-3_100x100px.jpg Longevity is the biggest unhedged risk for most pension schemes2

    Longevity is the biggest unhedged risk for most pension schemes

    15845-Arrow-B_100x100px.jpg To read all 12 key facts about longevity hedging, please click here.


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